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Title: Defect analysis of CZTS thin films using photoluminescence technique
Authors: Rajeshmon, V G
Sudha Kartha, C
Vijayakumar, K P
Keywords: Photoluminescence
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Citation: AIP Conf. Proc. 1512, 464 (2013)
Abstract: Photoluminescence (PL) technique was used to identify defect levels in Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide (CZTS) thin films deposited using Chemical Spray Pyrolysis (CSP). Films were deposited for different Cu:Zn:Sn:S ratios. An emission was observed at 0.8 eV. It was monitored from 15K to room temperature and activation energy was calculated. Excitation power dependent studies were done to analyze the type of transition.
ISBN: 978-0-7354-1133-3
Appears in Collections:Conference Publications

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