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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 84
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1881Chronological Tables for Southern India from the Sixth Century A. D.Sewell, Robert
1892The Ramayana - ARANYA KANDAM (Translated into English Prose from the original Sanskrit of Valmiki)Dutt, Manmatha Nath
1932Historical Inscriptions of Southern India Collected till 1923 and outlines of political historySewell, Robert
1874The ARYABHATIYA - A manual of astronomy with the commentary Bhatadipika of ParamadievaraLeiden, H.Kern
1972The history of the Kerala school of Hindu AstronomySarma, K Venkateswara
1678Hortus Indicus Malabaricus (Garden of Malabar)Rheede, Hendrik van
1922Sri Harsha of Kanauj - A monograph on the history of India in the first half of the 7th century A.DPanikkar, Kavalam Madhava
1921History of mediaeval Hindu India - Being a history of India from 600 to 1200 AD V.1Vaidya, Chintaman Vinayak
1920The study of PatanjaliDasgupta, Surendranath
1914The Yoga-system of Patanjali or The ancient Hindu doctrine of concentration of mind, embracing the mnemonic rules, called Yoga-sutras, of Patanjali, and the comment, called Yoga-bhashyaWoods, James Haughton
1825Viswaguna Darsana: or Mirror of Mundane QualitiesRamaswami, Caveli Venkata
1829Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets: Being memoirs of the lives of several eminent Bards, both ancient and modern, who have flourished in different Provinces in the Indian PeninsulaRamaswamie, Cavelly Venkata
1986Hindu Castes and Sects: An Exposition of the Origin of the Hindu CasteBhattacharya, Jogendranath
1935History of Hindu MathematicsDatta, Bibhutibushan; Narayan Singh, Avadesh
1672Truthful detailed description of the famous East India Coast Malabar and Coromandel, and the island of CeylonBaldaeus, Philippus
1914SIAMLoti, Pierre
1884Archaeology in India, with especial reference to the works of Babu Rajendralala MitraFergusson, James
1908Ruka'at-i-Alamgiri; or, Letters of AurungzebeBilimoria, Jamshidji Hormasji
1947Maasir-i-Alamgiri: A history of Emperor Aurangzib-Alamgir (reign 1658-1707 AD) of Saqi Mustad KhanJadunath Sarkar (Tr.)
1763The diaries of three surgeons of PatnaFirminger, Walter Kelly
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 84